Information on astrology

We'd like to contribute to your exploration of astrology by sharing the following information and resources:

Feel free to contact us if you have any astrology-related thoughts or experiences of your own to share, or know of any good astrological resources to add to our links or this informational page.


Recommended reading

Astrology, Psychology and the Four Elements
An Energy Approach to Astrology & Its Use in the Counseling Arts

by Stephen Arroyo, M.A., 1975
ISBN: 0-916360-01-6
CRCS Publications
P.O.Box 20850
Reno Nevada 89515

This book is rooted in the movement of modern astrologers away from traditional fate-and-fortune-based notions of astrology and towards an understanding of astrology as a tool for psychological exploration of inner needs, urges and natural tendencies. The author explains the basis of the meanings of and differences between the planets, signs and houses by exploring the energies of the elements Fire, Earth, Air and Water with which they are associated. Key concepts and keywords for the planets, signs and houses are tabulated in easy-reference form while the main text helps gain a deeper understanding based on a grasp of the basic building blocks of elemental energy.


Complete Horoscope Interpretation
Putting Together Your Planetary Profile

by Maritha Pottenger, 1986
ISBN: 0-917086-81-3
ACS Publications, Inc.
P.O.Box 34487
San Diego CA 92163-4487

This books shows you how to make sense of a chart by looking for themes revealed by the "astrological alphabet" or "Zip Code." The Zip Code is based on the idea that planets, signs and houses correlate with each other according to which of the twelve basic energies they manifest. Letter 1, for instance, is the energy manifested by Mars. Mars is the ruler of Aries, which is another way of saying that they share the astrological energy referred to in the Zip Code as Letter 1 (what we've called Energy 1 in the table of astrological energies). The House that shares that energy is the First House. Since every planet is in a sign and a house not necessarily of the same energy as itself, there are a number of energy combinations that are possible. When certain combinations repeat often in a chart, that is an energetic theme that can contribute significantly to the painting of your astrological portrait.





Zoetic Endeavours
PO Box 3049 Stn B
London ON N6A 4H9