Astrological Energies calendar

The Astrological Energies calendar has been updated for the year 2013.

This calendar features watercolour illustrations of the 12 signs of the zodiac, with a text description of the symbolic imagery used in the painting. Each month of the calendar is illustrated with the Sun Sign that is associated with the beginning of the month.

The Astrological Energies images are also available individually: on greeting cards, T-shirts, mugs, and other art products in the Astrology section of our Zazzle store.

Check them out! If you see a design you’d like printed on a specific product on which the design is not yet available, just let me know and I’ll create it and add it to the store.

See all the images in the Astrological Energies series:
Aries . Taurus . Gemini . Cancer . Leo . Virgo . Libra . Scorpio . Sagittarius . Capricorn . Aquarius . Pisces